Warning! What Is Gender Discrimination and Its Effects?

Women Education

Gender discrimination means treating people unfairly because they are male or female. This happens when boys and girls are not given the same chances. In Nigeria, this happens a lot. For example, many girls are forced to marry before they turn 18. In fact, about 30% of women aged 20–24 were married before 18. This … Read more

Women in Pre Colonial Administration in Nigeria: What You Need to Know

Women in Pre Colonial Administration in Nigeria

In Nigeria, a long time ago, women were important leaders. They helped run their communities. This was before other countries came and changed things. Today, we’ll learn about how women in pre colonial administration in Nigeria. Women in Pre-Colonial Administration in Nigeria Before other countries came, Nigeria had many groups of people. Each group had … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Forms of Gender Based Violence

Forms of Gender Based Violence

Gender-based violence means hurting someone because of their gender. In Nigeria, many people face this problem. Let’s learn about the different forms of gender based violence. Physical Violence Physical violence is when someone hurts another person’s body. In Nigeria, many women and girls face this kind of harm. For example, hitting or beating someone is … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Equality Month

Gender Divide

Equality is the foundation of a just and fair society. It means giving everyone, regardless of gender, race, or background, equal rights and opportunities. Even with that, inequality persists and affects millions of people worldwide. That is why Equality Month is important—it raises awareness and demands action so that the world can be a fairer … Read more

How to Improve Nutrition and Dietetics Coverage Today

Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition and dietetics play a significant role in development and health. Nutrition helps to avert diseases, boost the immune system, and enable children to grow healthy and strong. Malnutrition is, however, a major problem in Nigeria, especially among children and women. Nigeria has the second highest maternal and child mortality rate in Africa, and poor … Read more

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