How to Write a Perfect Maternity Leave Letter

How to Write a Perfect Maternity Leave Letter

A maternity leave letter is a means of notifying your employer of your forthcoming absence because of childbirth. It provides the company with time to prepare for your temporary absence. It also guarantees your rights and benefits are protected during your absence. Why Write a Maternity Leave Letter? It’s preferable to give your boss the … Read more

Women in Pre Colonial Administration in Nigeria: What You Need to Know

Women in Pre Colonial Administration in Nigeria

In Nigeria, a long time ago, women were important leaders. They helped run their communities. This was before other countries came and changed things. Today, we’ll learn about how women in pre colonial administration in Nigeria. Women in Pre-Colonial Administration in Nigeria Before other countries came, Nigeria had many groups of people. Each group had … Read more

Why Realwarripikin Is a Leader in Social Change


Realwarripikin is transforming lives in Nigeria. Since its launch on September 12, 2019, by Anita Asuoha, the organization has impacted thousands of women and children. Realwarripikin’s Commitment to Women’s Empowerment One of how Realwarripikin is changing lives is the Women Empowerment Scheme. Most women in Nigeria struggle to grow their business since they lack funding. … Read more

Financial Freedom: A New Era for Women?

Financial Freedom

Financial independence is having enough money to care for your needs and make choices about your future. For most women in Nigeria and the global world, financial independence has not been achieved. But times are changing. More women are getting education, decent jobs, and emerging business and technology opportunities. Why Freedom Matters for Women When … Read more

10 Proven Ways Odumegwu-Ojukwu Urges Deportation Reform


Ambassador Bianca Odumegwu-Ojukwu called on the United States to make its deportation system for Nigerians more humane. She reiterated that deportation ought not to lead to undue trauma. She questioned how many deported Nigerians have dependents at home. In her opinion, there are about 201 Nigerians in U.S. immigration detention facilities, of whom 85 are scheduled for deportation. 1. Address Emotional and Financial Impact on Families. Many deportees send money home to … Read more

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