Due to social, cultural, and economic inequalities, gender violence still dogs the lives of millions in the world. Knowledge of the types of gender violence helps identify and address the violence for prevention purposes so that it does not harm a person or hinder the progress of society.
Physical Violence
Physical violence is the use of force that results in injury or damage. It includes acts that people are more familiar with, such as hitting, kicking, and strangulation. This type of gender violence primarily occurs within a person’s home; however, it could also be in public and target individuals simply because of their gender.
Sexual Violence
Sexual violence includes rape, sexual assault, and harassment, where the perpetrators use coercion or force against the victim’s will. Due to such violence, victims can suffer from psychological trauma.
Psychological Violence
Threats, insults, and manipulation are some ways of psychological violence that inflict harm on a person’s emotions. Other effects include anxiety, depression, and lost self-esteem when the victims who are exposed to such abuse over time.
Economic Violence
Economic violence is where one party controls access to financial means by the other party. It includes preventing a partner from seeking employment, withholding money from them, or ruining one’s economic stability. This kind of abuse keeps victims in dependent relationships.
Cultural and Structural Violence
Cultural and structural violence is seen in societal norms and institutions that enforce inequality. It encompasses practices like female genital mutilation, child marriage, and discriminatory laws that reduce opportunities and further create harm. It is one of the overlooked types of gender violence.
Digital Violence
Digital violence includes several cyberbullying issues, revenge pornography, and online harassment. The cloak of anonymity and reach afforded by the internet have allowed perpetrators to target individuals in ways that multiply the harm and fear. It is the most recent of all types of gender violence.
The Need to Address All Types of Gender Violence​
The struggle against gender violence is multi-dimensional: physical, emotional, economic, and social. Such solutions involve campaigns to raise public awareness, changes in laws, and support systems for survivors.
Find tools and resources to address gender violence. Visit genderpedia.ng/shop for documents and materials that help create awareness and call to action.