7 Proven Ways to Boost Life Expectancy in Nigeria

Nigerian life expectancy is the number of years people live on average. People live for approximately 56 years in Nigeria. That is less than in most countries. But we can extend the life expectancy in Nigeria by doing a few things. 1. Improve Health Care Effective healthcare makes human beings healthier and longer-lived. Fewer people … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Forms of Gender Based Violence

Forms of Gender Based Violence

Gender-based violence means hurting someone because of their gender. In Nigeria, many people face this problem. Let’s learn about the different forms of gender based violence. Physical Violence Physical violence is when someone hurts another person’s body. In Nigeria, many women and girls face this kind of harm. For example, hitting or beating someone is … Read more

10 Mistakes People Make About What Is Population Census

What is population census

A population census is when a country counts all its people. This helps leaders to plan properly. However, individuals are sometimes unsure about what a census is. Let us talk about ten common mistakes people make about the question- “What is population census?”. 1. Thinking a Census Is Just a Headcount Some think a census only counts how many people live in a place. But it also … Read more

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