Oyo State Child Rights Law 2006
Oyo State Child Rights Law 2006
Category Laws
Tags abduction, adoption, begging, Best interest of a child, care and supervision order, child minding, Child Welfare, community homes, compulsory and universal primary education, conscience and religion, custody of a child, day care, emergency protection, emergency protection order, exploitation, family court, forced labour, fostering, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, freedom of thought, guardianship, hawking, maintenance, maternity, parental consent., paternity, prostitution, protection and maintenance, recreation and cultural activities, recruitment into armed forces, refugee children, responsibilities of a child and parent, right of a child in need of special protection measure, right of a child to free, right of the unborn child to protection against harm, right to dignity of the child, right to freedom from discrimination, right to freedom of movement, right to health and health services, right to leisure, right to name, right to parental care, right to private and family life, right to survival and development, sexual abuse, voluntary homes, wardship